Why you need to go to a marriage agency

Why you need to go to a marriage agency
General Discussion,

According to statistics, in Bangladesh, every 5th man and every 3rd woman cannot find the desired mate. The same statistics claim that most of them are patiently waiting for fate to present them with the other half on a silver platter, and do nothing to change the situation. Why? Golam Faruk Maula Vai, the owner of Bandhan Media, the top Bangladesh marriage agency, explains why you need to go to a marriage agency.

Despite the fact that in Bangladesh since ancient times there were matchmakers, which has now been transformed into marriage agencies. Not everyone, but a considerable number of people who are looking for their soul mate goes there. There are many prejudices and fears that prevent people from turning to professionals, but the business is growing day by day.

So, why people go to a marriage agency? Here are six reasons:

Suitable for the most humble

Firstly, not everyone accepts the way to meet in clubs, on the street, or in public transport. It depends on upbringing, habits, and beliefs. A person is uncomfortable getting to know each other in this way, and his opinion is worthy of respect and understanding. For such people, acquaintance through a matchmaker is the best option.

Secondly, now, in the age of social media, people are getting to know each other less and less in real life. Psychologists say that people have forgotten how to communicate live. Someone is helped by the Internet, and someone by a matchmaker, a marriage agency.


If you do not want it, it is absolutely not necessary to share your profile online. As for Bandhan Media, we will ensure the secrecy of your address and personal information. Even the agency's clients will find out about you as much as you want. Forms and photos are not posted on any outside resources without your permission.

Serious partners 

Marriage agencies provide paid services. As a result, only serious people come to us. The very fact that a person found out about the agency, came there, characterizes him positively: purposefulness, perseverance, enterprise, self-confidence, responsibility. At the agency, we frankly talk to such people; he fills out a detailed questionnaire. If a person goes for it, be sure - this is a 100% guarantee that he has serious intentions. As for the girls, in Bangladesh, guardians come to us. Fans of short-term flirting simply have no time to do this - they do everything on the run, meeting just on the street, on the bus, etc. 

Natural selection

Fraud people do not risk contacting professional agencies, because they know that our experienced staff will calculate them, and we do not need such clients! Thus, all kinds of swindlers, mentally unbalanced people are eliminated at the very first stage. What does not guarantee you, by the way, acquaintance with your own efforts - on the street or on Social Media.

Scientific matching process

Nobody says that the matchmaker is sitting and blindly shuffling your profiles and photos. A lot of work is done with each client. A lot of nuances and options are being studied. Science also helps - experienced people work here, determining the characteristics of a person. It so happens that "strangers" - and a matchmaker, believe me, very soon will cease to seem like a stranger to you. They will feel your other half better than yourself. We have repeatedly had cases when looking at a photo, a person refused to meet, but at the request of a professional matchmaker, he decided to meet. And a miracle happened!

Make you understand yourself 

"They won't be able to find a match for me, because I myself don't know what I want." Indeed, such typical wonderful women and men often come that you simply cannot understand why they are not snapped up like hotcakes? After all, they are good for everyone! And then it turns out that some people understand what their problem is, but do not know how to overcome it. Others absolutely cannot understand why they are alone? A professional will help both. One is to form an image of an ideal partner, starting with the appearance and ending with character, habits, and social status. Others, we help them get rid of complexes, prejudices, to correct some habits and character traits. It's nice to see that many people are changing for the better. 

You may also like: Bangladeshi Matrimonial Bandhan Media

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