Is social media a trap?
General Discussion,
Unfortunately, in the modern world, online correspondence is increasingly replacing “live” communication. The marriage media experts say with confidence that social networks are becoming a source of very real danger.
Study shows that Bangladeshi young people spend 2 hours 28 minutes daily on social networks. That is, he spends as many as 38 days there per year. Just think - every year we spend more than a month on social networks! Are they worth such a colossal waste of time?
What is the problem?
Of course, social networks have a lot of positive qualities, and some PC users do not understand at all how people used to do without Facebook and Twitter. However, you must be aware that every coin has two opposite sides. Scientists have repeatedly proven that excessive love of Internet communication is fraught with the development of social isolation, anxiety, and depression.
In a personal profile, each person tries to demonstrate that everything in his life, if not ideal, is certainly better than many. Visit the Instagram of the first popular blogger you see and you will stumble upon a bunch of well-edited photos from posh resorts and expensive restaurants. Having looked at such an idyll, by will, you will begin to think that absolutely everyone around you lives much better. So it’s not surprising that some people close their laptop feeling depressed and dissatisfied.
There are other reasons as well. One of the features of the human psyche is the tendency to focus mainly on negative aspects. As soon as any major negative event or catastrophe with a huge number of victims occurs in the world, all the media and news channels immediately begin to trumpet about this. As a result, one can imagine that our whole life consists exclusively of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and all kinds of crises.
Divorce lawyers report that social media is frequently cited by clients as the reasons for divorce. Spouses spend their free timeless and less in each other's company and more and more often hang out on social networks.
How is social media killing us?
- Reading of high-quality articles is declining.
- Politics has become more cruder as a result of fake news.
- People are becoming increasingly cautious and introverted.
- Social skills are worse among people.
- The burden of one's family and past never leaves them; it always accompanies them, haunts them, and holds them back.
- drama brought about by social media postings.

Check yourself
Addiction to social networks can be safely called the epidemic of the 21st century. This "disease" affects about a tenth of the world's population. Think if you find the following symptoms in yourself:
- You are on the Internet for at least three hours every day, and your stay there has nothing to do with work;
- You often notice that you have completely forgotten about time. We wanted to fall asleep early today, went to check our mail for a couple of minutes, and woke up deep after midnight;
- You want to be online all the time. When this is not possible, you now and then go to your profiles to read incoming messages, flip through the feed and see the latest news;
- Even during meetings with friends and relatives, you cannot part with your phone, constantly being distracted by social networks;
- Due to your addiction to social media, you started to face problems in real life. For example, you could not submit a report on time, because instead of hard work, you communicated in the messenger.
Safety Precautions
So that social networks do not cause trouble and spoil your life, experts from a marriage agency advise you to adhere to the following rules:
1. Set limits. Track every minute you spend on social media. Now you can even install a specially designed application that will monitor your online activity and prompt when it's time to leave the Internet.
2. Filter the negative. In the settings, make sure that users who cause negative emotions in you do not appear in your news feed. Once you stop looking at other people's (often just imagined) successes, it will be easier for you to enjoy your own. Do not get involved in a showdown under the posts. If you realize that you are having difficulty controlling your emotions, force yourself out of the conversation with a will.
3. Do not divulge information about yourself and your life. Pay close attention to what you post about yourself on social media. Come up with strong passwords (they don't have to be the same on all sites) and change them at least quarterly.
And most importantly - do not forget that real life, full of victories and defeats, joys, and sorrows, exists only offline.
For your information, over 70 percent of the clients of Bandhan Media, the best Bengali matrimony site, are not on social media. Why? Often these are closed persons from business or other structures that have no right to disclose private life. It is often difficult for such people to “just get to know each other” due to the limited environment and closed lifestyle. Therefore, they go to a marriage media, because we strictly adhere to the principles of confidentiality and professional ethics.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, online correspondence is increasingly replacing “live” communication. The marriage media experts say with confidence that social networks are becoming a source of very real danger.
Study shows that Bangladeshi young people spend 2 hours 28 minutes daily on social networks. That is, he spends as many as 38 days there per year. Just think - every year we spend more than a month on social networks! Are they worth such a colossal waste of time?
What is the problem?
Of course, social networks have a lot of positive qualities, and some PC users do not understand at all how people used to do without Facebook and Twitter. However, you must be aware that every coin has two opposite sides. Scientists have repeatedly proven that excessive love of Internet communication is fraught with the development of social isolation, anxiety, and depression.
In a personal profile, each person tries to demonstrate that everything in his life, if not ideal, is certainly better than many. Visit the Instagram of the first popular blogger you see and you will stumble upon a bunch of well-edited photos from posh resorts and expensive restaurants. Having looked at such an idyll, by will, you will begin to think that absolutely everyone around you lives much better. So it’s not surprising that some people close their laptop feeling depressed and dissatisfied.
There are other reasons as well. One of the features of the human psyche is the tendency to focus mainly on negative aspects. As soon as any major negative event or catastrophe with a huge number of victims occurs in the world, all the media and news channels immediately begin to trumpet about this. As a result, one can imagine that our whole life consists exclusively of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and all kinds of crises.
Divorce lawyers report that social media is frequently cited by clients as the reasons for divorce. Spouses spend their free timeless and less in each other's company and more and more often hang out on social networks.
How is social media killing us?
- Reading of high-quality articles is declining.
- Politics has become more cruder as a result of fake news.
- People are becoming increasingly cautious and introverted.
- Social skills are worse among people.
- The burden of one's family and past never leaves them; it always accompanies them, haunts them, and holds them back.
- drama brought about by social media postings.
Check yourself
Addiction to social networks can be safely called the epidemic of the 21st century. This "disease" affects about a tenth of the world's population. Think if you find the following symptoms in yourself:
- You are on the Internet for at least three hours every day, and your stay there has nothing to do with work;
- You often notice that you have completely forgotten about time. We wanted to fall asleep early today, went to check our mail for a couple of minutes, and woke up deep after midnight;
- You want to be online all the time. When this is not possible, you now and then go to your profiles to read incoming messages, flip through the feed and see the latest news;
- Even during meetings with friends and relatives, you cannot part with your phone, constantly being distracted by social networks;
- Due to your addiction to social media, you started to face problems in real life. For example, you could not submit a report on time, because instead of hard work, you communicated in the messenger.
Safety Precautions
So that social networks do not cause trouble and spoil your life, experts from a marriage agency advise you to adhere to the following rules:
1. Set limits. Track every minute you spend on social media. Now you can even install a specially designed application that will monitor your online activity and prompt when it's time to leave the Internet.
2. Filter the negative. In the settings, make sure that users who cause negative emotions in you do not appear in your news feed. Once you stop looking at other people's (often just imagined) successes, it will be easier for you to enjoy your own. Do not get involved in a showdown under the posts. If you realize that you are having difficulty controlling your emotions, force yourself out of the conversation with a will.
3. Do not divulge information about yourself and your life. Pay close attention to what you post about yourself on social media. Come up with strong passwords (they don't have to be the same on all sites) and change them at least quarterly.
And most importantly - do not forget that real life, full of victories and defeats, joys, and sorrows, exists only offline.
For your information, over 70 percent of the clients of Bandhan Media, the best Bengali matrimony site, are not on social media. Why? Often these are closed persons from business or other structures that have no right to disclose private life. It is often difficult for such people to “just get to know each other” due to the limited environment and closed lifestyle. Therefore, they go to a marriage media, because we strictly adhere to the principles of confidentiality and professional ethics.
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বিয়ের আগে রক্তের গ্রুপ জানা জরুরী কেন?
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বিয়ের আগে বর ও কনের রক্তের গ্রুপ পরীক্ষা করা অত্যন্ত জরুরী একটি বিষয়। স্বামী-স্ত্রীর রক্তের গ্রুপ কেমন হওয়া উচিত সে বিষয়টি নিয়ে আলোচনা করার আগে প্রথমে আমাদের রক্তের গ্রুপ সম্পর্কে কিছু কথা জানা দরকার।
An interview with Maula Vai of Bandhan Media
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