Bangladesh matrimonial sites: do they work?

Bangladesh matrimonial sites: do they work?
General Discussion,

In my work, I periodically meet with the objections guardians who believe that getting married through Bangladesh matrimonial sites is unrealistic, that profiles are either abnormal or fake. I can assure you that it is very easy for people to get married through Bandhan Media. People come to my marriage media, who have successfully met through our office in the past, and I often hear this response - I really liked your media, I had a lot of memories with you. It is no coincidence that they return to us, even after years.

A smart girl, with some good photos session and with her head on her shoulders, can very quickly find a husband through our agency. I won't exaggerate for such girls, even queues of men line up. I am even a little surprised by the statements of some colleagues from friendly Bangladesh matrimonial sites that there are few decent men in Bangladesh – but I have plenty of them in my agency.

Of course, there are different stories, and it happens that it does not work out. But there are other reasons for this than the insufficient number of profiles. And among them:

  • oddly enough - an unwillingness to change your life (everything seems to have settled down and you don't want to let someone into your life, and you also don't want to look after someone);
  • lack of understanding of the psychology of other people (it is possible to list for a long time - the inability to listen, pulling attention to oneself, the habit of command, etc.)
  • unwillingness to add good photos to profile. I often hear - at the photo session I will not be me, the man will not recognize me, let people select me as I am, etc. This directly comes from the previous point - ignorance of the psychology of modern boys and girls. Now a day people choose a girl or a boy in the same way as we choose shampoo in a store - we'll smell it, a beautiful package of stylish design pleases the eye, we don't take laundry soap for our hair, do we? (Although it also happens) a man will see your inner world later when he meets, but you need to get it down to her.
  • lack of ease in communication, that is, the willingness and desire to get married even tonight. Literally, men tell me about some girls - she has a departing train in her eyes. It is clear that I really want to arrange my fate, get married as soon as possible, and give birth to children. But it often seems to a man that he is bound hand and foot by the obligation to marry immediately, from the state of a hunter, natural for a man, he goes into the state of prey. Therefore, one should not immediately swear in love, think that he is the only one and the savior. You are young and beautiful and you always have other options. A man marries when there is no other way out, that is when he feels that he can lose you if he does not marry.

I have listed just some of the mistakes people make when dealing with marriage. We’ll talk about this in more detail at our office, where you will learn in practice how to communicate with others for a serious relationship.

Also Read: Why you need to go to a marriage agency?

My record tells me that after registering with my marriage media, at least half of the people in a few months get married or acquire a serious relationship with the prospect of marriage. Summing up all of the above, I can say the main thing - there are a lot of profiles in Bangladesh matrimonial sites, men and women from 25 to 45 years old are especially active. If you decide to take such a step, marrying through Bangladesh matrimonial sites, there are a lot of options. The main thing is your inner readiness for a serious relationship. And we will help you tune in the right mood and find, finally, your happiness.

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