If the goal is serious relationship
How do men and women actually relate to serious relationship like marriage? How different are their concepts of relationships? Is it true that nowadays it is becoming more and more difficult to find the right partner to start a family? What history and statistics say about marriage, what needs to be done to find a woman or a man for a serious relationship - we will consider below.
Serious relationship: history and theory
Historical evidence suggests that the institution of marriage has existed for over 40 centuries. It is common knowledge that people who are married have better health and a chance to increase their life expectancy. In different periods of history, marriage was concluded for different purposes: political, economic, state, mercenary. In the Middle Ages, marriage for love and mutual consent of the spouses was considered a rare case.
Why are there the Middle Ages, back in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, people getting married did not always decide their own destiny on their own. Voluntary marriage is an advantage of our time, but at the same time a more difficult task. If earlier everything was decided by parents and professional matchmakers, now finding your ideal partner for creating a family is not such an easy task.

How to get acquainted for marriage
It interferes with the establishment of personal life, paradoxically - the high rate of progress. Cities are growing, turning into megalopolises, where each person is on his own, revolves in his own closed world: work, home…. There are more and more single people who find it difficult to get to know each other for a long, serious relationship. Some are trying to save the day with short-term affairs, light flirting on social networks, entertainment in noisy companies. But this is just an illusion of relations, a substitution of concepts.
The time comes, and everyone, be it a man or a woman, realizes that he wants to meet his “second half”, to start a family. After all, acquaintance for marriage is a natural choice of a mature person who thinks about his future. Fortunately, there is now such a type of modern matchmaker as a marriage media. Experienced specialists help you find the right partner that meets the stated criteria. And then - the matter is in the unpredictable "chemistry" called sympathy and even .... Love.
And it’s in vain that many women think that men are only interested in the intimate side of relationships. Perhaps, on the Internet, men are really not eager to find a constant life companion. The situation is completely different in the case of contacting a marriage media - such men understand the futility of blindly searching for a partner for marriage, they want a really serious relationship.
Some men also have false illusions about women who want to get acquainted for marriage with the help of an intermediary in the person of a matrimony. Hunters for fortunes live in completely different areas, in our dating club "Vis-a-vis" you can meet charming girls and women of different ages who are striving to find their island of happiness in this chaotic and endless ocean of human relationships.
You just need to forget about past failures and think about how you want to see a person who may become your life partner. Many couples have already found each other with our help, remember that everything depends only on your desire. To begin with, you can simply fill out the form on this page, the result will not be long in coming. Remember, he who seeks will always find!
How do men and women actually relate to serious relationship like marriage? How different are their concepts of relationships? Is it true that nowadays it is becoming more and more difficult to find the right partner to start a family? What history and statistics say about marriage, what needs to be done to find a woman or a man for a serious relationship - we will consider below.
Serious relationship: history and theory
Historical evidence suggests that the institution of marriage has existed for over 40 centuries. It is common knowledge that people who are married have better health and a chance to increase their life expectancy. In different periods of history, marriage was concluded for different purposes: political, economic, state, mercenary. In the Middle Ages, marriage for love and mutual consent of the spouses was considered a rare case.
Why are there the Middle Ages, back in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, people getting married did not always decide their own destiny on their own. Voluntary marriage is an advantage of our time, but at the same time a more difficult task. If earlier everything was decided by parents and professional matchmakers, now finding your ideal partner for creating a family is not such an easy task.
How to get acquainted for marriage
It interferes with the establishment of personal life, paradoxically - the high rate of progress. Cities are growing, turning into megalopolises, where each person is on his own, revolves in his own closed world: work, home…. There are more and more single people who find it difficult to get to know each other for a long, serious relationship. Some are trying to save the day with short-term affairs, light flirting on social networks, entertainment in noisy companies. But this is just an illusion of relations, a substitution of concepts.
The time comes, and everyone, be it a man or a woman, realizes that he wants to meet his “second half”, to start a family. After all, acquaintance for marriage is a natural choice of a mature person who thinks about his future. Fortunately, there is now such a type of modern matchmaker as a marriage media. Experienced specialists help you find the right partner that meets the stated criteria. And then - the matter is in the unpredictable "chemistry" called sympathy and even .... Love.
And it’s in vain that many women think that men are only interested in the intimate side of relationships. Perhaps, on the Internet, men are really not eager to find a constant life companion. The situation is completely different in the case of contacting a marriage media - such men understand the futility of blindly searching for a partner for marriage, they want a really serious relationship.
Some men also have false illusions about women who want to get acquainted for marriage with the help of an intermediary in the person of a matrimony. Hunters for fortunes live in completely different areas, in our dating club "Vis-a-vis" you can meet charming girls and women of different ages who are striving to find their island of happiness in this chaotic and endless ocean of human relationships.
You just need to forget about past failures and think about how you want to see a person who may become your life partner. Many couples have already found each other with our help, remember that everything depends only on your desire. To begin with, you can simply fill out the form on this page, the result will not be long in coming. Remember, he who seeks will always find!
If the goal is serious relationship
Is it true that nowadays it is becoming more and more difficult to find the right partner to start a family? What history and statistics say about marriage?
Family, Marriage,
Everyone wants a peaceful married life. But no one seams to be happy. So, how to strengthen marriage ties? This is the subject of the article.
বিয়ের আগে রক্তের গ্রুপ জানা জরুরী কেন?
Bride, Groom,
বিয়ের আগে বর ও কনের রক্তের গ্রুপ পরীক্ষা করা অত্যন্ত জরুরী একটি বিষয়। স্বামী-স্ত্রীর রক্তের গ্রুপ কেমন হওয়া উচিত সে বিষয়টি নিয়ে আলোচনা করার আগে প্রথমে আমাদের রক্তের গ্রুপ সম্পর্কে কিছু কথা জানা দরকার।
An interview with Maula Vai of Bandhan Media
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Here is an interview with Maula Vai, the owner of Bandhan Media, the top marriage media in Bangladesh. He is running his matchmaking business for about 50 years.
Bangladesh matrimonial sites: do they work?
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Bangladesh matrimonial sites are doing well
কিভাবে বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ এড়ানো সম্ভব?
পারিবারিক জীবনযাপন শুরু হয়ে থাকে বিয়ের মাধ্যমে। এজন্য বিয়ের আগের ও পরের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে অনেক পরিবর্তন চলে আসে। বিয়ে হয়ে গেলেই যে সব দায়দায়িত্ব শেষ ব্যাপারটা কিন্তু তেমন নয় । দায়িত্বটা বরং বেড়েই যায়।
How to be happy as a couple: The 5 habits of happy couples
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How to be happy in conjugal life.
Reasons to Seek Marriage Counseling
Relationships are falling apart. In this post modern era you must consult a marriage counselor for help.
Bangladeshi marriage site Bandhan Media
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Bangladeshi marriage sites are growing day by day.
Why you need to go to a marriage agency
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The reasons for going to a marriage agency
Bangladesh marriage media Dhaka
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Choosing a soul mate is a very responsible and delicate matter.