Contrary to the claims of Islamophobia that a Muslim woman is a humiliated and enslaved being, Islam has given women many rights. Alas, the problem is that many Muslim women in our country do not know their Sharia rights or stoically resign themselves to their regular violation, considering it “jihad for the sake of pleasing her husband”, “selfless devotion on the path of the family” and so on. Here are 10 rights of Muslim women that Islam has given to them.

Rights of Muslim Women
Islam has given many rights to Muslim women

What are these rights granted to them by Sharia law, which they so easily renounce?

1. Right to Content.

The husband is obliged to provide his wife with food, clothing and housing at least at the same level at which she was supported by her parents or herself if she was financially independent. He also has to buy medicine for her and pay for her medical expenses in case of illness. Lack of content is the Shariah basis for divorce at the request of the wife.

2. The right to a marriage gift (Mahr)

A Muslim woman has the right to marriage gift (mahr) and free disposal of it. The Holy Quran gave a woman the right to a marriage gift (mahr). In some regions, parents try to appropriate the mahr for themselves, but according to Sharia it is the property of the bride, and no one has the right to claim it. Even if the husband dies, the wife must get her mahr. This is one of the most important right of Muslim women that Islam has given to them.

3. The right to choose a spouse

Sharia marriage is only possible with the voluntary consent of both parties; if the bride is forced to marry, according to Islamic law, such a marriage has no legal force. A virgin must obtain permission from her father or other guardian (wali); for a married woman, it is not required.

4. The right to draw up a marriage contract.

In this document, the bride can prescribe her own conditions that do not contradict Sharia (the groom also has a similar right). For example, she may negotiate her right to work or refusal to leave her hometown. In this case, the husband can no longer violate these conditions. However, the bride cannot set conditions that run counter to the sharia rights of a man – for example, prohibit him from taking a second wife (although in many Muslim countries such a law exists de facto).

5. The right to be treated with respect.

Many hadiths can be cited on this topic. “To the one who slaps his wife, the Great Creator on [Day of Last Judgment] will command the keeper of hell to give seventy hot slaps from the fire of hell.” “Providing services to your wife is atonement for great sins, and it will remove the wrath of the Lord.”

6. Right to spousal attention

We often hear that a Muslim woman has no right to deny her husband intimacy. But the right to have sex is equally vested in the wife. Moreover, the wife also has the right to receive pleasure, as mentioned in many hadiths. If the husband refuses to share the bed with her for more than 4 months, she has the right to demand a divorce. And if he has gone missing for more than a specified period (different madhhabs define him differently), the wife also has the right to demand a divorce in an Islamic court.

7. The right to refuse to do homework.

According to Islamic ethics (ahlak), caring for a husband, preparing food for him and keeping the house clean and tidy are meritorious (mustahab) deeds for which a woman is entitled to a reward. But according to Sharia, this is not part of her duties (wajibat). And if housework turns out to be an unbearable burden for a woman, she has the right to refuse to do it. In this case, the husband is obliged to invite a housekeeper, or, if finances do not allow it, he will have to cook and wash himself.

8. The right to see family.

The husband cannot forbid his wife to communicate with close relatives: mother, father, children from a previous marriage, siblings.

9. The right to be the second, third, fourth wife in a polygamous marriage.

Polygamy is not just a privilege for men. Islamic law on polygamous marriage gives a woman the opportunity to become not a mistress, but a full-fledged wife of a married man. Already existing wives cannot infringe on her right. In a polygamous marriage, wives enjoy the right to justice for their husbands, to equality in maintenance, distribution of nights, attention and gifts.

10. The right to dispose of your earnings.

If a Muslim woman works, her salary belongs only to her and does not go to the family budget. Husband and children have no right to claim her. No matter how much a woman receives, this does not relieve the husband of the obligation to support her.

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